Some credit cards are good for travel, some not so much. Here’s our rundown of what you should be looking for when you’re looking for the best travel credit cards for your wallet.
First things first. While the best travel credit cards come loaded with a series of features that help you when you travel (and travel more), they can also have high interest rates when you carry a balance. If you carry a balance, the interest you pay will quickly outweigh any potential benefits you’re getting from the cards. So, don’t carry a balance on your travel credit cards. If you need to work on paying off a balance, there are other cards to carry that have nice balance transfer offers that will give you the space to pay that balance down over time.
Consider your travel goals as a couple. Are you thinking about domestic travel only? Or are international destinations on your bucket list? It doesn’t really help to have a few frequent flyer points in a half dozen programs. What you want is to maximize your earnings into one or two programs that you can then earn tickets on. Focus on credit cards that will work with the primary program you’ve chosen to maximize in.